Directed HyperLMNtal


This is an experimental project

Directed HyperLMNtal (DHLMNtal) is a derived calculus model of LMNtal. It is designed to be able to deal with hypergraphs representing structures and pointers easily without having dangling pointers.


git clone
cd vertex
stack build  


DHLMNtal program is consists of graphs. Graphs are consists of Atoms (= nodes) and Links (= directed hyper edges).

Separate atoms with commas.

For example, you may write like this.

\X.(a(X), X -> b)

Open your favorite editor, write down the former program, save it as and visualize it with the dhlvis.

stack exec dhlvis --

The graphical image of the

Press ESC to terminate.

There also are several abbreveation schemes for convenience.

For example, a(b) is as same as the former \X.(a(X), X -> b). Since you can embed the atom where the outgoing link should occur and omit the link creation if the outgoing link and the incomming link of the atom are the same and there is no other occurrence in the link creation.


Besides the graphs, you can write the (rewriting) rules <left hand side: subgraph to match> ":-" <right hand-side: subgraph to yield>. The rule will rewrite the graph to its right hand-side if it’s left hand-side mathces. Notice the rule remains and tries to rewrite graphs until it fails.

You can use period to separate graphs and rules.

Rewrite the former program as the following

X -> b :- X -> c.

and visualize it.

stack exec dhlvis --

The graphical image of the

Press SPACE to reduce (rewrite) 1 step.

If you want the reduction steps in a text, run dhli.

stack exec dhlvis --

The output will be the following.


1: X -> b :- X -> c ~> 

This shows

Notice that the rule is hided for the simplicity but it does exist throughout the calculation process.


DHLMNtal has non-detereminisity. Rules can rewrite graph as long as they matches, they are not ordered.

For example, the resulting graph of a. a :- b. a :- c can be b or c.

You can use --nd (non-deterministic) option to construct the state transition space (all possible states and reduction).

This can be also applied to the not-terminating program.

For example, example/nd/ is a following program.


a :- b.
b :- c.
c :- d.
d :- e.
e :- f.
f :- a.

You can run this with the --nd option.

stack exec dhli  -- example/nd/ --nd

Also, you can visualize the state transition space.

Run stateViewer as below.

stack exec stateViewer  -- example/nd/


You can easily see that the transitions are forming a cycle and there is no terminal state.

For more informations

See here to get more description about semantics. This pdf also describes the semantics.

Also, feel free to take a look at the slide (its written in Japanese though).

Tools in a nutshell



Run this test to obtain more detailed information about the state of the heap, etc.

stack test --test-arguments "example/"

Also, see here to get more information about testing this.