Formal semantics of Directed HyperLMNtal

This page describes the formal semantics of DHLMNtal.


DHLMNtal has two kinds of identifiers.


P (process) ::= ()                           (null)
             | X -> p(X1, ..., Xm)  (m >= 0) (atom)
             | (P, P)                        (molecule)
             | \X.P                          (link creation)
             | (P :- P)                      (rule)

Fig.1. Syntax

Given a link X, we define its head as an atom X -> p(X1, ..., Xm). Also, the tail of the link Xi as the i-th port of the atom. Here we shall also call X as the incoming link of the atom and Xi as the outgoing link of the atom. An unary atom X -> Y is called an indirection atom, which can be read as aliasing X to Y.

The set of the free link names in a process P is denoted as fn(P) and is defined inductively as Fig.2.

fn(())                  = {}
fn(X -> p(X1, ..., Xm)) = {X, X1, ..., Xm}
fn((P, Q))              = fn(P) `union` fn(Q)
fn(\X.P)                = fn(P) \ {X}
fn((P :- Q))            = {}

Fig.2. Free link names of a process

We assume that the set of free link names of the process which consists the whole program, the top level process, is an empty set. This can be easily achieved by just adding some extra link creations to the top level process if needed.

There are several conditions processes must satisfy.

No circular aliasing condition :

When applying the latter 2 conditions, aliasing should not form a cycle.

That is, when traversing aliasing, there should be no same link name appears more than once.

Functional (right-unique) condition :

For all link X in fn(P), the head of X must not appear more than once in P.

Serial (left-total) Condition:

Given an process \X.P where X in fn(P), the head of the X must exist in P.


Given a rule (P :- Q), P is called the left-hand side and Q is called the right-hand side of the rule.

There are several conditions a rule (P :- Q) must satisfy the following conditions.

  1. fn(P) should be a super set of fn(Q).
  2. Rule must not appear in P
  3. If the head of a link X occurs in P, the head of the link X must also occur in Q.

Operational Semantics

We first define structural congruence == and then define the reduction relation ~> on proceses.

Structural congruence

We define the relation == on processes as the minimal equivalence relation satisfying the rules shown in Fig.3.

Where P[Y / X] is a link substitution that replaces all free occurrences of X with Y. If a free occurrence of X occurs in a location where Y would not be free, alpha-conversion (E1) may be required.

  1. ((), P) == P
  2. (P, Q) == (Q, P)
  3. (P, (Q, R)) == ((P, Q), R)
  4. P == P' => (P, Q) == (P', Q)
  5. \X.P == \Y.P[Y / X]
    where Y is not in fn(P)
  6. \X.(X -> Y, P) == P[Y / X]
  7. \X.() == ()
  8. \X.\Y.P == \Y.\X.P
  9. \X.(P,Q) == (\X.P,Q) where X is not in fn(Q)

Fig.3. Structural congruence on processes}

Reduction relation

We define the reduction relation ~> on processes as the minimal relation satisfying the rules in Fig.4.

  1. P ~> P' => (P, Q) ~> (P', Q)
  2. P ~> P' => \X.P ~> \X.P'
  3. Q == P & P ~> P' & P' == Q' => Q ~> Q'
  4. (P, (P :- Q)) ~> (Q, (P :- Q))

Fig.4. Reduction relation on processes