A hands-on tutorial of web development in Rust for absolute beginners

A hands-on tutorial of web development in Rust for absolute beginners

A hands on tutorial to make a simple wiki with Rust. Please send me a pull-request to improve!

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This is a tutorial for those who are new to web development and/or Rust language. In this hands-on, we will implement a simple blog system, which can post markdown and display the transformed html on your browser. We have separated the contents into small sections so that it will be easy to follow. We have prepared the complete source code for each section: you can check them if you got confused with the tutorial.


Install Cargo. See https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install to setup rustup and cargo.

Update rust

Do not forget to update.

rustup update

Https server

Here are the sample source

In this section, we implement a simple https server that returns a constant string message.

TODO: Modify this to firstly implement a http server (not implementing https from the start)

Static file server

Here are the sample source

In this section, we let the server to serve files.

Contents management server

Here are the sample source

In this section, we extend the static file server to a contents management server. We will add post, delete method to enable CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete).

A simple wiki backend

Here are the sample source

In this section, we parse the posted markdown and convert it to a html file. We save the markdown file in the /public/edit directory and the html file in the /public/pages directory.

Client-side integration

Here are the sample source

In this section we add JavaScript to jump to the editor and to update the edited page using fetch API.

TBD: Some improvements


  1. styling
  2. a list of recent updated pages.
  3. …?

What’s next!

Please contribute to the Wiki.rs project. Send me a pull request!
