Module Analyzer__.Link_check

val collect_incidence : (int list * string list) -> Analyzer__.Alpha.a_atom -> int list * string list

A helper function for collect_incidences

val collect_incidences : Analyzer__.Alpha.a_atom list -> int list * string list

Collect free/local head link (left hand side of ->) names

val collect_indeg_arg : ((int * int) list * (string * int) list) -> Analyzer__.Alpha.a_arg -> (int * int) list * (string * int) list

collect indegs of p_arg and also check the serial condition

val collect_indeg : ((int * int) list * (string * int) list) -> Analyzer__.Alpha.a_atom -> (int * int) list * (string * int) list

collect indegs of p_atom

val collect_indegs : ((int * int) list * (string * int) list) -> Analyzer__.Alpha.a_atom list -> (int * int) list * (string * int) list

collect link_info from p_atom list

Check link condition of the given rule. Uses the collected link_info on lhs/rhs returned by collect_link_info.